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Fairfield Fiddle Farm books & CDs are $14.00 each plus shipping & handling.
B-1 - THE FAIRFIELD FIDDLE FARM BEGINNERS BOOK #1 is the official book used at our Fiddle Farm for beginning fiddle students. Included is a beginners version of “Orange Blossom Special.” Etude through Book Two level of Suzuki Violin. Even ”Twinklers” can play the beginning tunes.
B-2 – THE FAIRFIELD FIDDLE FARM BEGINNERS BOOK #2 Professional arrangements of twenty-two fiddle tunes including “Orange Blossom Special.” Suzuki Book level three and beyond.
CD-1 - A CD RECORDING OF THE BEGINNERS BOOK #1 TUNES Sound of fiddle and piano with added base. Contains all the music in Beginners Book #1. Daily listening to the cassette is key to learning. Practice with professional tempo!
Listen To Sample! Click Link Below.
CD-2 - A CD RECORDING OF THE BEGINNERS BOOK #2 TUNES Sound of fiddle and piano with added bass. Contains all of the music in Fairfield Fiddle Book #2.
ST-1 - SHOW TUNES OF THE FAIRFIELD FIDDLE FARM FIDDLERS A CD recording of twelve tunes of Book #1 & #2 which is used with our fiddle books to learn our country show. It has a full country band sound and helps to make practice fun. The tunes are performed at a slower than professional tempo, so your students will be able to play along and perfect your fiddling.